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Rural map

Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

Urban map

Registered Users

By paying at least € (+ VAT where applicable) you will have the possibility to register on for a whole year (once your subscription expires you'll have the option to renew it for another year for only € if you renew it within 10 days). You’ll have unlimited downloads while subscribed. With this contribution, you collaborate to keep this site and make possible to add new maps and improve their quality. If you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor, that is, if you regularly contribute data to OpenStreetMap, the required amount in order to register is only €.

In addition, as a registered user you'll be able to access exclusive extra content, such as the maps of full continents like Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania or South America or the map of the USA, Canada and Russia. You'll also have priority in getting support via page comments or e-mail.

How to register?

In order to register, follow these steps:

You can leave your comments on this page below:

Comments (829)

Topic: Registered Users
4/5 (536)
bmalbos (mirecourt, france)
bonjour, existe t'il une carte de l'ile de La Reunion ? merci
Oui. Il est dans la carte de l'Afrique. Vous debez etre enregistré pour pouvoir le télécharger.
4th July 2014 5:36pm
mehmet (turkey, turkey)
29th June 2014 2:09pm
olukayode (Lagos, nigeria)
Just made my 16 EUR donation, I await my registration form and access regards
I have sent you registration info in a private mail
26th June 2014 3:35am
Billy (Equestria, zambia)
This whole thing is just a big scam. Why do you have to make us pay before you can "give" us the way to register.
You can download a lot of maps for free from this site (more than 40 countries). If you want to download full continent or USA maps you have to register. That's the way it is.
18th June 2014 3:04pm
Jeffrey (Lima, peru)
I just sent donation by PAYPAL in order to get full continents maps.
 Could you sent me the access to register form ? Thank you, Kind regards, Jeffrey
17th June 2014 7:10am
Page 150 of 166

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