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Rural map

Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

Urban map


Making the maps you can download from this site and keeping them updated takes a lot of time and dedication. I also spend a great effort completing and fixing OpenStreetMap data, to make the map better each day. Downloads are free, but I think it's fair to give something back, so I ask you to donate now. If you want to give your support to help maintaining and improving this service, you can donate any monetary amount. I will thank you even if it is small.

You can donate using the best for you of the following options:

Thank you very much for your collaboration!

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Comments (62)

Topic: Donations
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Vivek Bhandari (Chandigarh, India)
Do your maps work on Garmin Fenix 5X. Which ones should I download
Any maps from this site should work in your Fenix.
7th February 2018 7:06am
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Clemente Vineis (Ivrea, Italy)
I donated 15 euros. Good job.
Grazie mille per la vostra donazione
3rd December 2017 6:16pm
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Vitor Mangraviti (UK)
So you call yourselves "alternativas libres" dot ORG (free alternatives in Spanish) and have a dot ORG domain and DEMAND a "donation" in order to download full maps?
What kind of ORG does that? And why do you call it "alternativas libres"?
You should rename the institution to "alternativas un poquito libres" (a little bit free alternatives) instead.
You can download completely free maps of more than 70 countries. As you can imagine, making and manteining these maps and this website requires a lot of work (literaly thousands of hours invested in the project) and I think it is reasonable to get something in return for such work. If you don't want to collaborate, even you can download individual maps for free.
31st October 2017 6:51pm
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ruud van der wal (Alkmaar, Holland)
I just transfer the money to the bankaccount, please use my email adres to send my account and password
I've sent you registration info to your mail.
27th July 2017 6:06pm
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David B. (Toledo, US)
Just sent you a donation via PayPal.
10th July 2017 12:03am
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